Drachim Registration - Marom


All you need to start the adventure!

Please read carefully all the information below

Hey there! Welcome to the Drachim program application process. Below is a description of each step in our process. The established deadlines must be respected, so we ask for your cooperation.

You need to register with Masa at this stage to receive your program scholarship. When registering, choose our program Shnat Marom (Jazit-Noam), Session Drachim UK 2023. To register for Masa, you will need to pay 50 USD, which will be refunded if you complete the program. The deadline for completing this part of the application is 10.11.2022


We’re excited to meet you!  This form is completely confidential and a great chance for us to learn a little bit about you before your arrival.

In this step, you will apply for Machon LeMadrichim. Machon is the first step of our program, but it is an institution that has its own application process and regulations.

Please follows the process requested by Machon that you must complete.

Step 1:  Follow this link to register today.

Deadline for registration: 7/17/2022

Step 2: After your application, you will receive an email with instructions regarding the essay you must write. You must write an essay that will be evaluated by the Machon teaching team. The test may pass or fail, in which case you will automatically be “al tnai” (conditional status).

Deadline for submitting the essay: 7/24/2022

Step 3: Personal interviews will be conducted virtually by a Machon educator starting this month. We will coordinate them with you after completing the previous steps of the admissions process (application and essay).

Step 4: Letters of Acceptance Machon will send the program acceptance, “al tnai” (conditional) acceptance, or non-acceptance letters.


Our team here at Marom will hold a conversation with each of you to start getting to know each other and also so if there are any questions about your participation in the program we can talk and include tnuá and kehila in the process. We will start scheduling after Masa’s registration is complete.

Tickets to Israel will not be provided by Maron. The ticket is purchase together with you and the rest of your kvutza. This cost is in addition to what you will pay for the program. More information talk to Npam UK team  to understand how this process is carried out. The program’s start day is 11.02.2023 and on this day we will arrange transportation for you and your kvutza from the airport to the first place of the program. If you do not arrive on that day, accommodation, transportation and responsibility are at your own expense.

Each tnua/kehila must process a student visa to enter Israel. Without this visa, it is not possible to carry out the program.

The entire team at Marom looks forward each year to meet the new Shnat group. In order to ensure we all have the best year full of adventures and new friends we need to make sure that some basic ground rules are observed. Your involvement and participation in the program are really important. During your time at Machon, your attendance is required.

Marom’s focus is on coexistence and respect for others.  

The Program will be free from any type of violence, whether physical or verbal. 

Marom has zero tolerance for drugs during the Program and random urine tests may be required during your stay. 

Drug use, physical violence, theft, robbery, and property damage, will all be dealt with by the Israeli police. Violation of laws will result in expulsion.

Alcohol is allowed on weekends or when agreed upon by Marom, and you’ll be able to smoke in designated areas. During your time at Machon, alcohol, and smoking are both prohibited.

Safety Rules:

  • Going anywhere for longer than 24 hours requires permission unless it is specified as free time.
  • Before traveling on weekends and holidays, let us know where you will be and your contact info.
  • Do not take packages from strangers. Be wary of unattended packages or bags.
  • Strangers are not allowed on the premises. 
  • DO NOT hitchhike!
  • Independent travel must be authorized.
  • You will be informed of any and all security measures and any changes according to the current situation in Israel.

Family can visit after the Machon period but it needs to be scheduled. If you are planning to leave Israel we need parental permission.

Stay safe and have fun on your new adventure!


Click here to download the Masa medical form. Please make sure this is signed by your doctor

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