Embrace Change as Summer Ends
embrace change as summer ends
9 months ago

Seasonal Shifts and Spiritual Awakening: Preparing for the New Year

As summer fades and the days shorten, we stand at the threshold of change. The end of summer marks the beginning of a profound period of reflection, transformation, and renewal in the Jewish calendar. With the arrival of the month of Elul, we are reminded of the sacred journey we embark upon each year—a journey that encourages us to embrace change, find joy in transition, and draw closer to our true selves and to the Divine.

Two of our biggest holidays come during the transition of seasons. Pesach arrives as winter melts into spring. Rosh Hashana and the high holidays come as summer cools down to autumn. In spring Pesach cleaning has us searching for every last bit of hametz. In Autumn, we focus on an inner cleanse, preparing our souls for the new year ahead.

Preparing for the High Holidays

With the summer fun behind us, we start to prepare for the High Holy Days, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The month of Elul acts as a spiritual stepping stone that ushers us into this season of introspection and atonement. As the bright summer sun gives way to autumn’s golden hues, we are invited to set aside the events of the past year and allow ourselves to be open to change.

Autumn is a great metaphor for the inner work we do in Elul. Our journey is similar to the trees. They begin the process of shedding their leaves, preparing to stand bare and uncovered during the upcoming cold months. We too work to shed our layers of complacency and self-delusion preparing to embrace our truth. This process of stripping away pretense allows us to find authenticity in our actions and intentions. It’s an opportunity to engage in cheshbon hanefesh, an “accounting of the soul,” where we assess our deeds and intentions, acknowledge where we fell short, and recognize our growth.

Embracing Change

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, the end of summer offers a great lesson. The seasons teach us that change is a natural and inevitable part of life. Embracing change means letting go of the familiar habits and patterns that no longer serve us. Just as trees release their leaves, we too can remove the burdens and regrets that have accumulated over the past year.

Judaism teaches us that joy is not just a feeling, but rather a state of existence that goes beyond one’s circumstances. Embracing change is an act of faith that enables us to uncover joy even in times of unpredictability. The earth’s transition from one season to another is a testament to the beauty of nature’s cycles. Our spiritual journey through Elul and into the High Holy Days also reflects the cyclical nature of personal growth and transformation. May we greet the changing season and the changing within ourselves with open hearts and a sense of anticipation, finding joy in the journey ahead.

Photo credit: Kate Tandy

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